“Before You Do” HR- Laser Precise HR Practice
April 11, 2021 2021-04-11 11:12“Before You Do” HR- Laser Precise HR Practice
“Before You Do” HR- Laser Precise HR Practice
This Premier Course delves into critical HR Decision making points and how best we can attain maximum value for our organizations through well thoughtout, planned and executed HR Decisions. HR! Recruit for us X number of Employees! Before You Recruit! A report for project Y needed to be handed in, Before you hand in the Report! Write dismissal/Firing Letters for Employee Z, Before You Dismiss or Fire! The Organization is embarking on a restructuring or Change Management exercise, Before You Execute it! And many other decision making scenarios whose decisions have both direct and indirect impact on the HR and Organization’s Performance and Credibility. This course helps participants to gain practical experience as shared in details by our faculty of experienced facilitators, learn what works/works not, execution pitfalls and risks to look out for and how to possibly mitigate such from happening, success buttons in the execution of your tasks etc. This is a must enrol course for any HR Professional /practitioner at whatever level of seniority.